BSSN Helps Natuna Regency Government Site Infiltrated Online Gambling Sites

KEPRI - The National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) handles the Natuna Regency Government (Pemkab) website in the Riau Islands (Kepri) which is infiltrated by online gambling sites.

Head of the Communication and Information Agency (Diskominfo) of Natuna Regency, Ikhwan Solihin, said that BSSN representatives had arrived in Natuna and would provide assistance to the local district government from August 12-14, 2024. "Of course this is a concern for all of us, I hope that every affected regional apparatus organization (OPD) can work together to assist each other in handling this incident," he said at Natuna, Monday, August 12, was confiscated by Antara. He hopes that with the cooperation with BSSN can restore their websites from negative things. "OPD can help the BSSN team in dealing with the incident that occurs by providing the required data, hopefully as soon as possible it can be resolved," he said. As soon as possible, the Young Expert of the Directorate of Cyber Security and Local Government Password, Arif Fachru Rozi said, he came with two people from the Online Gambling Data Protection and Development Task Force. The phenomenon that occurred on the Natuna Regency Government website, he continued, in the form of an attack that replaced the website content with online gambling content. "There are 13 Natuna Regency websites affected by the insertion of online gambling sites," he said.

Pada pemberitaan sebelumnya, Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (BSSN) memberi atensi terhadap website Pemerintah Kabupaten Natuna, Kepulauan Riau, yang terindikasi disisipi situs judi online atau judi dalam jaringan (online).Kepala Badan Kepegawaian dan Sumber Daya Manusia (BKPSDM) Kabupaten Natuna Muhammad Alim Sanjaya mengatakan, tim BSSN dijadwalkan berkunjung ke Natuna untuk mengatasi persoalan tersebut."Tadi kita melakukan rapat bersama BSSN, salah satu hasilnya adalah mereka akan turun ke Natuna untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut," ucap dia saat dihubungi melalui sambungan telepon.
