The Application Is Infiltrated By Online Gambling Sites, Natuna Regency Government Claims No Data Lost

NATUNA - Natuna Regency Government (Pemkab) in the Riau Islands (Kepri) confirmed that no government data, employees, and local communities were lost after their application was infiltrated by an online gambling link. Head of the Natuna Regency Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) Muhammad Alim Sanjaya said the incident was infiltrated by their application a few months ago. He explained that on several applications there were online or online gambling links (on the network). "Yesterday several applications were compromised but no data was missing," he said when contacted by telephone, Wednesday, August 21, was confiscated by Antara. His party has checked the condition with the National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) and what was done by hackers in the Natuna Regency Government application was only in the form of link insertion. He said all online gambling links had been removed from the application and his party together with BSSN had socialized to every agency within the Natuna Regency Government how to remove and how to avoid similar incidents. "Yesterday there was assistance for three days from BSSN," he said.

Menurut informasi yang dia dapatkan dari tim BSSN, salah satu penyebab aplikasi disusupi dikarenakan rendahnya sistem keamanan aplikasi.Oleh karena itu, sambung dia, Pemkab Natuna akan berupaya untuk meningkatkan keamanan.Selain itu Pemkab Natuna juga akan meningkatkan kompetensi pegawai yang bertugas di bidang teknologi, informasi, dan komunikasi, dengan berbagai pelatihan.
